September 2017

Buffy MoonbatWBFY Program News

Thanks, Doug & Carrie!

The First Annual Saturday in the Park was held on its rain date, Saturday, August 26 to sunny skies, ocean bay views, and the crankin’ tunes of the station’s most ardent supporters, Doug & Carrie Bacon. Their report:

We had various amounts of people show up throughout the the day, ranging from 1-2 people to a family of 10. We gave away several CD’s as prizes for trivia quizzes, had a hula hoop contest & took several requests for songs.

We had several people inquiring about the station & a couple interested in becoming programmers. We managed to collect $124.00 in donations, two people wrote check for $50.00 & one donated $20.00.

While we were packing up, a couple families, who were over by the playground, approached Carrie & mentioned that they like the music & that it added to their day at the park.

Vic on Sabbatical

Vic the Stalwart, always where we need him, has taken flight and isn’t expected back for the next month or so. In his absence, contact Erik or Pete for technical problems: Erik at or Pete at


To become a contributor to our Facebook page and get publicity for your show, contact Erik (see above).

August Programmers’ Potluck

August Programmers’ Potluck was small – Vic, Petra, Ginny, Tom, Jennifer, and a couple moving to the area from New Jersey, Scott and Joanne – but the conversation was lively. Scott and Joanne are here for 10 more days (buying a house here and soon to relocate); they’re listening to the station all the time and loving it. interesting couple – he’s a composer, she’s an educator

September Programmers’ Potluck

This month’s Programmers’ Potluck will be held as usual on the 3rd Monday of the month, September 18, 5:30 at the First Baptist Church at 95 High Street.

Programmers (DJs, talk show hosts) and listeners come together for supper and the sharing of best practices, as well as to get to know one another better. All are invited.

Program Advisory Committee

From Erik:

We need your help to shape the sound and vision of Belfast Community Radio’s on-air programming. We want the station to serve as a platform for any community members to share their voice in a free and open format. To ensure this happens in a fair and sustainable way, we need community members to serve on our Program Advisory Committee.

Shut and lock the door behind you, por favor

Security at the station has become an issue and we’ve had to change the lock box combination (contact Pete)